1.Will it make you afraid, will you give up or are you going to take up the challenge? 2. This is not a theoretical exercise or a seminar on how to do business, but rather an exposé based on experiential knowledge. 3. What will you do with the skills that you have acquired when you […]

PROPHET, PRIEST & KING “You are a king!”… these words, spoken by a colleague, excited Eugene and stirred up something inside of him, even though he did not, at the time, fully grasp the intended meaning. After all, every man wants to be a king – there’s a romanticism about being a king; kings […]

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle

by Stacy Karacostas Starting a business – or just keeping one running for that matter – takes a lot of energy. If the people you come into contact with all think you’re crazy or doomed for failure, it’s bound to take a toll on you. Here are five things you can do to combat that […]

Today was not about me. Today was not about you. Today was about us. Today is about us. A great leader works to build it with you, for all.

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Creative thinking is simply finding new, improved ways to do anything. Step one: Believe it can be done. Here is a basic truth: To do anything, we must first believe it can be done. Believing something can be done sets the mind in motion to find a way to do it. Your mind will create […]

Today I received notification that I failed a subject that I worked my butt off to pass. To make matters worse, I am currently on probation – if I don’t negotiate a second opportunity I’m out and my university career is over. I have two choices: sit and cry like a baby or move forward, […]

Weep not for what you have lost, fight for what you have. Weep not for what is dead, fight for what was born in you.Weep not for the one who abandoned you, fight for who is with you. Weep not for those who hate you, fight for those who want you. Weep not for your […]